Milk Protein Concentrate


Milk Protein Concentrate

Milk Protein Concentrate 470 combines excellent flavour and heat stability with good nutritional value.


  • Good dispersibility
  • Excellent source of milk calcium
  • Opacity in water
  • Excellent flavour profile
  • Excellent heat stability
  • Good nutritional value
  • High level of bound calcium
  • High opacity in water
  • Good dispersibility

Our Sustainability Story*:

  • Made with NZMP Dairy
  • Grass-Fed
  • Cared for Cows

This ingredient can be used in the following applications:

  • Yoghurts & cultured products
  • Active Lifestyle
  • Medical
  • Recombined cheese, cheese milk extension, feta cheese and processed and analogue cheese
  • Dairy-based and nutritional beverages
  • Frozen desserts